He then talked with us about options. The first option is a needle biopsy. He doesn't like this option because the spot in her lung is too small. He said trying to insert the needle to extract tissue on a small area would be "hit or miss." In addition, he said there's a risk of puncturing her lung. He suggested two things: blood tests to look for signs of a fungus in her lung; and then, a PET scan. Cindy did the blood work today. So, that's done. The PET scan is next Monday morning, July 7th at 9am CDT. The PET scan is different than a CT scan. Cindy will drink some sort of glucose solution and if the places in her lung are cancerous tissue (and in her brain also), then it will show up on the PET scan. The cancer, if that's what it is, will "go to work" on the glucose and show up as such on the test. Then, Cindy will have another follow-up appointment with the pulmonary specialist on the 15th. Please pray that all goes well. We are looking forward to getting back to Cambodia, God willing.
Thanks for all your prayers!