Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Leah and Kayla

Our daughters Leah and Kayla are enrolled in a local Christian school here. Because of Cindy's health and ongoing treatment, we are staying in the US longer. As a result, we've enrolled them in school here. God really blessed in all this in that He provided a scholarship for our girls that drastically reduced their tuition at the school.

Part of the curriculum involves our girls making trips to different places. Kayla's class will be going to Washington, D.C. and seeing the museums and different monuments. Leah will be going on a mission trip. Because of the delicate nature of the trip, we won't be disclosing the location until after she is back and the trip is over. She is going to be doing different and creative ways of raising funds for the trip. Some of this is school-sponsored fundraising and then she'll be trying to raise some on her own. We appreciate all who helped her last time and prayed for her last trip back in 2008. She'll make this next trip in 2009. Please pray for both Leah and Kayla as they work hard to prepare for these school trips. Pray that the Lord will open doors for them to get the sponsors they need. God bless you all!

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